당신을 위한 새로운 예술, 핀즐 PINZLE


Fabian Lavater
Fabian Lavater

Painter, Illustrator
/ Basel, Switzerland

Fabian Lavater is a painter & illustrator based in Basel.
Fabian expresses the moments of life experienced in nature with sensuous colors. He expresses his relationship with nature, which has become a part of his artist's life, such as beach scenery, waves, and surfing, by dissolving them in unique colors and messages. Based on his comfortable and eye-catching style, Fabian continues to collaborate with eco-friendly clothing brands, and interior and outdoor brands in Switzerland.

파비안 라바터는 바젤에서 활동하고 있는 페인터이자 일러스트레이터입니다. 파비안은 자연에서 경험하는 삶의 순간들을 감각적인 컬러로 표현합니다. 해변의 풍경과 파도, 서핑 등 아티스트 삶의 일부가 되어버린 자연과의 관계를 독특한 컬러와 메시지에 녹여 표현합니다. 편안하면서도 시선을 사로잡는 그의 화풍을 바탕으로, 아티스트는 스위스의 친환경 의류 브랜드 및 인테리어, 아웃도어 브랜드 등과 협업을 이어가고 있습니다.

Nikin / House of Cans / IXXI / We Are ZRCL / Rebelution Music / Flexdex Skateboards / Folienhain / 3rd Rock / Treetop Tee / Ventana Surfboards / High Hop Clothing

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파일 첨부 1
파일 첨부 2